This is about feeling good. Like really good. Everyday. 

This platform is meant to invite curiosity and connection to the entire wellness spectrum- mind, body, and spirit

I’m a Miami native with a fierce love for my city. I’m beyond obsessed with my pets, and I believe green juice is pretty much the answer for everything!  I married my soulmate at 34, gained two bad-ass stepdaughters, and am the Founder and CEO of Health in the Hood, a non-profit organization with a mission to provide equal food access for all through urban farming and wellness. 

As Health in the Hood grew, my platform to share sustainable practices tracked right along as well. I’ve had the opportunity to promote our work on food access with millions of people. Inspiring people to grow their own food and incorporate wellness absolutely drives me. 

My Why

I used to think my health was solely measured by my weight, waistline and calorie intake. I thought excessive exercise was a perfect balance for binge eating and bouts of nutrient lacking fasting.  I was “healthy” by my standards, but my body was deprived, always injured, while my mental and spiritual health were being totally ignored. I was never fully present. Always onto the next thing. Never truly savoring. 

It wasn’t until my early thirties that I incorporated whole wellness in my life and began to break this unproductive cycle. Once I was mindfully living, everything started clicking into place.  I was listening to my body, eating intuitively, quieting my mind, and going within to explore my truth. Once I began to deepen my connection with myself, I started caring for mind, body, and spirit differently- more intentionally.

Living a life of whole wellness allows me to be more centered and in tune with myself. As someone who can definitely fly off the handle and struggles with perfectionist tendencies, this is constant work.  But it’s so worth it!  I am more present, consistent, and gentle with myself–and I’ve never felt better! 

Feeling good isn’t always easy. It requires us to show up and put in the work. I’m here to make that work a little easier with tools and practices that have helped me SO much. Intuitive eating,  developing a mindfulness practice, and a balanced exercise program have literally changed my life.

The sources of our food, the products we use, and even how we speak to ourselves, are all a part of healthy living and feeling good. 

My hope for this community is that we can grow together (vegetables and ourselves!), regardless of where we are on our wellness paths. This work is a constant journey! This is not about perfection. It’s about meeting yourself where you are, on any given day, and growing from there.  

The goal is to awaken a healthy balance and feel like our best selves. Because when we feel our best we radiate that goodness throughout the world. And just imagine how powerful that can be.